Through your partnership, the next generation is being radically changed by Jesus.
They are discovering what it means to love their neighbours, apply Scripture to all of life and embrace values that transcend culture.
Through your partnership, the next generation is being radically changed by Jesus.
They are discovering what it means to love their neighbours, apply Scripture to all of life and embrace values that transcend culture.
Camp is a Whole Other World
Every day at camp, kids and teens get to:
Unplug from technology
Dive into God’s word with supportive, open-minded friends
Receive mentoring from experienced, older staff
Be their authentic, silly selves
Explore God’s creation
Try new things like sailing or water skiing

Pioneer Camp helps campers, students and emerging adults discover the hope that Jesus offers through each stage of growing up.
Pioneer Camp helps campers, students and emerging adults discover the hope that Jesus offers through each stage of growing up.
“I was a shy kid, and it was hard for me to make friends, but [camp] is a place where it’s so much about welcoming people in.”
Former camper
“I love Pioneer Pacific. I love just being able to be with the kids 24/7.”
Cabin leader
“I hope [campers] know their value as individuals and their beauty as unique creations of God. That’s what I want them to learn”
PYC leader
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